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Employee Resume Checking

Common Resume Lies Job-Seekers Make

In today’s competitive business world, it is difficult to find a job working anywhere unless one has a significant college degree; in other words, you better have at least a Bachelor’s degree. Unfortunately, many individuals do not possess the resources to attend college, nor do they have any other means of supporting their families. This is where resume fraud tends to appear in the workplace. When applying for a new job, prospective employees are looking to stand out and impress future employers; they want to enhance their resume in the easiest ways possible, because generally they don’t believe that anyone will fact check their information. Employers have ways around this, and they generally involve pre employment screening background checks or a little bit of research. Although it can be difficult in today’s competitive workplace to find adequate employment, employers have an equally difficult time finding employees who are honest and respectable in the integrity of the information they give in the application process. In this way it is important for employers to know the most common ways that applicants tend to fib information on their resumes because the individuals who apply with honesty deserve to be seen for their accomplishments. Here are some of the more common ways applicants embellish their resumes.

Dates of employment or job title

One of the most common ways that applicants lie on resumes is usually regarding their previous dates of employment or job title. It is not uncommon to see the world “manager” in place of “server” or “associate” or the length of time working at a particular place for “two years” instead of “two months.” While it may seem small, these little changes can greatly enhance an applicants resume overall. A length of two-year employment is somewhat impressive, whereas a two-month employment may be indicative of issues occurring with the individual’s previous employment for various reasons. Luckily, the best way to thoroughly evaluate applicants includes that they provide the employer with a list of references. Not providing a list of adequate references can lead employers to believe that there may be flaws or untruths included in the applicant’s information. In any case, keeping the lines of communication open when necessary and appropriate is always an option.

Criminal history

Another way that applicants may lie on their resumes is regarding their criminal history. Hiring low-risk employees is important to preserving the reputability and reputation of your business, and regarding one’s criminal history; it is ill advised to take one’s word for it, or to take shortcuts when your livelihood is potentially on the line. Every employer is better off when they conduct background checks because it can significantly eliminate risky applicants from the options. It is up to the employer whether or not to hire an individual based on their criminal past, but several factors should be considered first; such as, how lengthy their criminal history is, and how severe the infractions were. It is also important to consider that people make mistakes in life, and may be ashamed of their choices they made long ago; giving people chances isn’t always a bad thing, but it is first and foremost important to protect your interests. Thorough background checks will include information about the individual’s criminal past, in addition to one’s educational background.

Employee Resume

Thorough background check is essential

Another way that applicants embellish the truth on resumes is to include degrees and educational background that either never occurred, or does not exist. As previously mentioned, the working world is a competitive place today, especially in industrialized countries. The surest way for an applicant to land a job is if they claim to have all the requirements and qualifications, including degrees and certifications. Luckily, thorough background checks can give you some insight into how accurate the applicant’s claims are. It is important to look into one’s educational background in particular because when someone is certified to do something, it is usually regarding a significant skill or knowledge that is critical to the performance of the job, usually involving public service. It is important to verify these skills or credentials because if someone is not qualified for a job and you hire them anyway, that can be a reflection on your business. Keeping resources at your fingertips to fact check applicant’s information is crucial to the success of any business.

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