Importance Of Gig Worker Verification For Small Businesses
Posted on: January 27, 2024 by Gavin MuirheadIt is hard to get and keep good help, especially for owners of small businesses. You know, the frustration of the hours spent combing through applications, trying to decipher what information to trust, and whether or not you think this candidate could be a good fit. Every time you make a job offer, you know you are taking a risk.
Most small business owners claim that this is the most stressful part of their job and the aspect of their work they like the least. That is why you cannot underestimate the importance of gig worker verification for small businesses. Here are a few reasons you need to utilize affordable background checks for your small business.
Criminal Background Checks
Criminal background checks protect your workers and customers, screening out people with a history of using and abusing businesses with criminal intent. This includes people with violent or predatory behavior, as well as those who have a history of mishandling money, any of which could be detrimental to your business and your employees.
When done appropriately, these background checks also reduce liability, sometimes translating into savings on your insurance premiums. It also helps protect your business should you get into legal issues regarding your employees.
Tax Documentation
Another major headache for small businesses is dealing with employee income taxes. While this is often a simple process, misfiling paperwork can cost hefty fines and may open you to the possibility of an IRS audit. Affordable background checks help you to know that the people you hire are precisely who they say they are. If there are errors in their tax documentation or if they are intentionally falsifying their identity, it is far better to catch that before they get on your books as a paid employee.
Tax documentation is important for you as the employer and the employee. Both parties have specific responsibilities regarding taxes, and it is important that the information is correct and consistent. Getting affordable background checks with tax documentation gives you the opportunity to ensure that they have given you the correct information so that you can handle their paychecks and taxes correctly.
Identity Verification
Affordable background checks help protect you and your small business against fraud. It also ensures that the candidate has the necessary skills and qualifications to do the job and do it well. While you can determine some of these things in an interview, some people can put on a front that can fool you into thinking they are more capable and fit for the job than they are.
In our socially networked world, who you know is often more important than what you know. We can be tempted to hire people we know because they are networked in our social circles. This can be detrimental when we think someone is doing us a favor by vouching for a friend they feel would fit well in our business when, in reality, we end up doing them a favor by giving someone a job that cannot do the work. In worst-case scenarios, we sometimes discover they were not the person they claimed to be.
The ultimate goal of affordable background checks is to measure the trustworthiness of candidates applying to work in your small business. While these background checks may not capture every aspect of a person’s life, they create a kind of screening against those with something to hide. Often, those who are concerned that they will not work out as an employee for a particular reason will self-select out of the process when asked to consent to a background check. Even if nothing were to turn up on it, their concern may keep them from moving the process further. At the very least, it opens up the conversation about what their specific concern might be and how it could affect you and your small business.
Invest in Your Business with Affordable Background Checks
Background checks are quick and easy, and they can save you money and stress if you utilize them in your hiring process for your small business. At Affordable Background Checks, we work hard to protect you and your business from those who would take advantage of you and cause you harm.
We provide everything you need to be sure you are hiring the best-fit employees for your business and give you the peace of mind to trust they are who they say they are. Your safety and security is our number one concern.